post half term

3 March 2025
A very good evening from swim HQ
I hope you all have had an amazing break and are all ready for our first session back this Saturday 😁😁😁.
Lots happening in the background for club, we have just paid our annual insurance and ASA membership fees this came in at over £2000, so this is why it is so important to pay on time and make us aware if your child will be stopping club😊.
I have had notice of a price increase of the pool hire from April 2025, I’ll will let you know how much we will have to increase our fees by in due course.
With our first session back can I ask we can have the correct swim wear NO Board Shorts please.
With every new term I look forward to seeing progression and certificates 🎊with every group. I know our teachers work so hard to ensure everyone has a great session each week, can I ask especially with the upper groups children bring a drink to poolside this will help them rehydrate during the lesson 😊😊😁.
welfare and support for each child is something we work really hard at sometimes we need your guidance and help should extra support be required.
Please don’t hesitate to speak to me or our welfare officers Sarah McMillan (parent )and Andrea suwalska (poolside teacher )sometimes small changes can make such huge a difference to your children’s learning.
We are always available to chat or drop us a message to me or email our welfare officers:
Looking forward to getting back to tomorrow see you all there😊😊😊😊


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