Half term

7 February 2025
A very good evening from Swim HQ
Gosh I hope you are all wrapped up warm πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά.
A busy time for me so looking forward to the weekend.
Last week we had our celebration meal for all of those who volunteer at the club.
It was a very enjoyable evening a lot of laughter and fun πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰.
This will be our last session before half term we return on Saturday 1st of March 😊.
We recently had our Agm and many topics were discussed regarding the club.
Things will be changing behind scenes, going forward it’s important you know points of contact for our committee.
I know you normally go through myself but i will be setting up dedicated contacts for the positions at club including treasurer and welfare, we also have a deputy welfare officer who will be our point of contact on the poolside for you to speak to.
Our two welfare officers are
Sarah McMillan who is a parent
Andrea Suwalska a teacher in our junior goggles and level one classes.
Photos of the the committee and teachers will be appearing on our web site in due course, so you will know who everyone is😊😊
Check on our site to see.
Insurance we pay is now due it’s one of our biggest expenses each year,thank you to everyone who has paid,please any missing invoices can you drop me a message.
Some house keeping thoughts, please ensure your children have the appropriate swim wear no BOARD shorts please.
Can we have some thoughts about the use of the changing room, lockers are provided for your use and not the changing cubicles, I have had many complaints about children unable to change as the cubicles have clothing left in them. Our busiest time is the 5pm change over your cooperation will be much appreciated by all that use these facilities 😁😁.
Gosh a lot to say today 😁
Our blogs are now on our web site if you have missed them or you know someone who doesn’t have Facebook.
Have a great evening everyone and I will catch everyone tomorrow at our last club 😁😁😁😁


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