A very good evening from Swim HQ.
what a glorious week we have been having, I hope you all have been enjoying the sunshine☀️☀️.
An amazing first session back at club, everyone working hard and plenty of smiling faces 😄😄.
we do have a free swim time 6pm to 6.30pm for anyone it is open to parents to use why not come along and give it a go.
We have new children starting with us in our junior goggles class, its always incredible how they come to us a little apprehensive at first but at the end they leave with a huge smile and are looking forward to the next week😄.
I have seen this happen with new starters to our main club sessions and when children move to a different level. I’m always so impressed with how our teachers and helpers always go out of their way to make each class they run welcoming and fun for everyone who attends😄.
I’m glad to see Board Shorts are slowly becoming a rare sight at club but there are still a few, these are not ideal for a teaching environment so please can we try not to wear them for club.
As mentioned last week our two welfare officers have an email address to to be able to speak to someone in confidence if you any issues are support you would like from ourselves.
If you have any questions please drop the above a message or myself.
have a great evening, see you all tomorrow