A very good evening from swim HQ.
Hope you all have had a great week and enjoyed the sunshine today

Another amazing week at club I have been busy in the background with. Club matters, I was hoping to launch the club web site this week but due to a technical issue on my part
it has not been possible. I will let you know once it’s up and running.

I’m slowly going through the waiting list I have 5 new starters this week,these are filling some spaces I have in our upper levels.
For those waiting to start I will be doing assessments for those I realistically have a spaces for as we can only accommodate a maximum amount of children.
We do have movements within club so I know spaces will be coming up soon.
Thank you to all the parents who are in regular contact with me it’s always amazing how we are able to help and provide additional support when required to all of our swimmers.
Please don’t leave any issues you may be having ,we are here to help,assist and support.
Contact myself in confidence via the usual channels or catch me on poolside each week.
Short post this week for me
that’s what a week of working nights does 

Any questions please contact me, see you all tomorrow 

