24th January 2025

28 January 2025
A very good evening from swim HQ.
I hope you all have had a great week 😁😁.
Another amazing session at club last week so many smiling faces and we welcomed new children to club I hope you really enjoyed your first session with us.
Thank you to everyone who keeps in touch and lets us know about absence and any issues. If you have just started and not received an invoice please don’t worry we will be in touch 😊😊.
Thank you for clearing form the changing rooms on time it does make a big difference and I know the the staff appreciate not having to wait for us to clear the centre.
I had a message from parent regarding the tripping hazard with all of the shoes outside the changing rooms, I will contact the centre to see if they can provide extra shelving for the shoes, In the mean time can I ask we keep the gangway clear ( photo attached).
Just a gentle reminder fees are now due for those who still have not received an invoice ( except new starters) please contact myself.
Have a great evening and will see you all tomorrow.


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